God is faithful

I have been searching for a job for a while now. I have also had a goal to stay with Kobi until she was six months old before I started working. Bill’s car broke down today. We have less than desired in the account and our marriage has seen better days. But we are making it because God is faithful and he continues to provide. We have not lacked for anything and have still been able to give and be generous as well as take time and treat ourselves. And William and I are learning to start everyday giving each other a fresh grace and mercy and love! I’m saying all this to say that we have been going through it but the whole entire time we’ve been going through these things God has been right there listening, speaking, and moving on our behalf!!

As much as it pains me to leave Kobi she will be six months in a few days and tomorrow I start my first day working! It’s not quite what I want but it’s better than nothing and I know that God has something for me to do while I am there! It may only be for a month or it could be a lot longer but whatever He has for me I will see to it that I always do my best to show them the love and light of Jesus! I know that this will help us in more ways than one because God is faithful and He knows what we need even before we say it! 

So be encouraged dear friends because our God is a good God and He only wants the best for you!! That’s right the best not just good or great but the best so if He has you waiting don’t fret just rest! If you are going through it lean on Him, read the word of God and watch it come alive, pray for understanding and you’ll get new revelations!! Our season is now and it’s time we walked in and relished in it!

Get up and pray!

Today is the first Thursday in May… which is also the National Day of Prayer it’s a wonderful time where people all over the nation come together to pray for our nation and cities. The focus is on the seven major areas of influence in our country (in no particular order) Government, Media, Education, Business, Church, Family and Military. Usually I go into the importance of each one but instead I am just going to encourage you all to get up and pray… even if it’s just you praying through these seven areas in whatever way God leads you to pray. If you only have 15 minutes take 15 minutes if you’re city is having a corporate gathering find it and attend… and if it’s just you and a friend that’s fine too; just pray. I had the wonderful opportunity to start my day this morning with praying for these areas and then attending a corporate gathering in my city of Clarksville, TN and it was so refreshing to see everyone coming together to lift our city up! There wasn’t any egos involved and the focus was Jesus moving in our city! What better reason to unite?!

Be Blessed and pray.



National Day of Prayer Recap


Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer and I had the honor of taking part in a community gathering in Clarksville, TN. It was so refreshing to see the community come together to take part in this special occasion and challenge each person to pray not just on that day but everyday! They had predetermined people from the community pray for each of the seven influences of power: military, media, business, family, government, church, and education as well as praise and worship and passages from the Bible.

It really was a great time of communion with brothers and sisters in Christ and with The Lord. My favorite part of the whole experience was seeing everyone come together to pray for our city and for our nation. There were pastors and business men and women, there were government officials and moms with preschoolers, young and old all together for a single purpose and it was magnificent to behold. Not to mention a great way to jump start anyone in a lifestyle of prayer! I’m glad I was able to participate and was reminded to pray everyday for my city and our nation.

What was your favorite part of National Day of Prayer?

National Day Of Prayer Prep

The National Day of Prayer is coming up this Thursday May 2nd… it happens every year the first thursday in May to be exact and this year is no different. There are many different ways you can get involved to include day of prayer meetings around your town and even watching a simulcast. There are numerous ways to prepare for thursday some started last year, some started 50 days ago some started 21 days ago and some just start with preparing yourself with the points in order to effectively pray on Thursday.

I didn’t want to just write about The National Day of Prayer on Thursday instead I wanted to provide a couple of days notice so you all could gather the necessary information and participate even if it’s just going over the 7×7 prayers which are the 7 centers of power 7 days a week it sounds difficult but really can be done literally anywhere; in your car, while you’re in line, or right before you go to bed. I wrote about it in my prayer challenge a few months ago. For those of you who have no idea what the seven centers of power are, they are  the most influential parts of our lives, military, government, education, business, media, church and family.

If you can even commit to pray through them now until the end of the week that would be a great start. Also check out the official website to find other great things you can look forward to on Thursday and how you can prepare for next years day of prayer now. I encourage you all to not let this day of prayer come and go without any action taken! Challenge yourself and pray…

Prayers Welcomed

To say that these last few months have been hard is an understatement…I know too many people who have lost loved ones within the last six months or so and my heart breaks for each of them… mostly because I am not there nor can I do anything for them to make them feel better if I was…

I know people who have lost fathers, mothers, husbands, children, as well as grandparents and cousins… so my simple request is for you to pray for those people. Pray for their strength, pray that they turn to Jesus and not something else during their grief, pray that they don’t stay in the pit of despair too long. Just keep them prayed up. I’m not asking you to pray for them every day just when you remember to, but if you can pray for them now that would be wonderful!

a woman praying at sunset
prayers welcomed

I have no idea what it feels like to lose a close family member but I can still pray that each of these people are surrounded by Jesus during this difficult time in their lives. Will you join with me in prayer for these people who are grieving the death of a loved one?

Thanks. And if you need prayer for this particular reason please know that I am praying for you too! Thanks again for all of the prayers. I am sure each person appreciates them as well. God Bless each and every one of you.