
Hello and Welcome to my blog: HisLoveISReal! My name is Terri and I am super excited that you have come for a visit!

Me and my Love!
Me and my Love!

I am a California girl who has grown up in Tennessee, where I found and married my Knight in shining armor, William. I graduated from Austin Peay State University with my BS in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations.

God has great things in store for us and I love the adventure obeying Him brings!

We are people who love to hang out with friends and family, spend time making-up traditions that we can one day incorporate into our own family. We also love to travel and go on road trips!

I started this blog as an act of worship to the Lord because one of the talents He gave me was writing…  A lot of what I write about has to do with Him but I also write about marriage, natural hair, and fashion among other things. So hopefully you will find something in my life that can help you in yours. Thanks again for stopping by and feel free to come back anytime!

Blessings for years to come,


4 thoughts on “About

  1. HI Terri, I just came and found your blog when i noticed that you followed me. Thanks for following and I hope it is a blessing to you some way or another! I see you have been at this -consistently-for a long time. Good for you! I have enjoyed the looking around I did on your blog and look forward to reading more.
    Blessings, Molly

  2. Hello, nice to meet you. You’ve a beautiful family. I enjoy reading this “about” passage and look forward to reading about natural hair. I’ve been wearing my loc hairstyle since 2001. God bless you and your ministry.

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