Kobi’s First Thanksgiving 

She’s already 9.5 months old and today we celebrated her first thanksgiving with family. We haven’t had a family Thanksgiving celebration in a few years and it was so nice to be together, to catch up and for the three littles to meet each other for the first time! They were all so loving towards each other!! Kobi was decked out in her first thanksgiving gear and she even tried some of turkey that her daddy cooked (it’s his specialty and it didn’t disappoint)! Everyone left full and satisfied and feeling a bit more loved and missed!! It’s hard having family so far away so this gathering was just what we needed! Blessings to all and Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! 
P.S. To see pictures feel free to look at my Facebook page you can find me under Terri Harding, Thanks!

We have a new President now what?

This morning as I was driving into work I found out who our next President Of The United States will be. Instead of being sad I thanked God for being in control of all things. I told Him I knew He wasn’t surprised by this outcome and I began to pray for Donald Trump. I prayed that He would have a heart transformation and that he would love his life accordingly. I prayed that he would be surrounded by a good counsel of people who know the Lord and have been discipled and who can speak and be heard by Mr. Trump. I prayed that the Lord would give him wisdom and revelation to do what needs to be done and I thanked God for the plan He has and for the continued protection that we have as His children.

I didn’t pray the whole way into work actually that prayer didn’t take more than ten minutes. I know the Lord heard me and hears my prayers and I know that it’s going to take a whole lot more people than just me to come into agreement for lives to be changed and so I encourage you all to say a prayer for President Elect Trump today and to remember to pray for him and all other government officials often. Let the peace that surpasses all understanding take over you, reach out and be intentional about loving each other and know that God’s got this under control!

In times of uncertainty as such, Jesus Christ is the only certainty we have. And for me that’s more than enough. Be blessed and remember His Love IS Real!

Guess who’s 9 months?

Can you believe Kobi is already 9 months old? She is growing up so fast I just want to hold her forever! She is 27.5 inches long and weighs 19lbs 9 oz! She is catching up percentile wise to where she needs to be and she’s just an all around joyful baby! She wears shoes now and is beginning to eat more table foods. She holds her own bottle and has a sippy cup she uses on occasion. She loves to talk and spend time with others. She is still teething but we’re hopeful she’ll have teeth soon! 

I honestly love spending any extra time I get with her and she enjoys helping me with my homework and helping me cook (meaning she usually sits on my lap or next to me when I’m doing homework and is in the kitchen watching me cook). She can stand with assistance but is cautious of falling and she absolutely loves going to the park! 

That’s Kobi in a nutshell! Sorry there are still no pictures… it’s further out than I’d hoped on the budget list… but if you’re friends with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr you can catch glimpses of her there! 

Stay blessed,