God’s PromiseĀ 

Today I go in for a procedure that is going to aid in letting my baby bake longer so that what happened with Kiwi won’t happen again! 

I know, I know!! It’s been a while but it’s true God has given us another baby!! And we believe that this child whom we call Bow is God’s promise to us and despite what my body is doing, he will go full term and we will raise this baby!!

We’re not as far as we were with Kiwi just yet but we are about a month out… I mean in all actuality we only found out a month ago we were even pregnant!! Did I mention we’re still in grad school? So that’s why this post is so delayed but please know that we are so grateful for your continued prayers and support because our hearts still ache for our daughter Kiwi!

Our lives have changed all over again and there’s not a doubt in my mind that this baby is our miracle baby!! The road ahead won’t be easy but God is in control of everything and He will see us through this!! There can’t be a miracle without the need for the miraculous and we are definitely in need… But our hope is in the One who made us and who knew all of this was going to happen before we ever did!! He knows what He is doing and His Love IS Real!